1 | !#########################################################################
2 | !
3 | ! Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
4 | ! University of Rochester,
5 | ! Rochester, NY
6 | !
7 | ! problem.f90 of module PlanetaryAtmosphere is part of AstroBEAR.
8 | !
9 | ! AstroBEAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 | ! (at your option) any later version.
13 | !
14 | ! AstroBEAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | ! GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | !
19 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | ! along with AstroBEAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | !
22 | !#########################################################################
23 | !> @dir PlanetaryAtmosphere
24 | !! @brief Contains files necessary for the PlanetaryAtmosphere Calculation
25 |
26 | !> @file problem.f90
27 | !! @brief Main file for module Problem
28 |
29 | !> @defgroup PlanetaryAtmosphere PlanetaryAtmosphere Module
30 | !! @brief Module for calculating collapse of a uniform cloud
31 | !! @ingroup Modules
32 |
33 | !> PlanetaryAtmosphere Module
34 | !! @ingroup PlanetaryAtmosphere
35 | MODULE Problem
36 | USE GlobalDeclarations
37 | USE DataDeclarations
38 | USE Clumps
39 | USE Ambients
40 | USE Refinements
41 | USE CommonFunctions
43 | SAVE
44 | PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, ProblemBeforeStep, &
45 | ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
47 |
49 |
50 | SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
51 | TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient
52 | TYPE(ClumpDef), POINTER :: Clump
53 | TYPE(ParticleDef), POINTER :: StellarParticle
54 | TYPE(RefinementDef), POINTER :: Refinement
55 | LOGICAL :: lFixed, lPlanet
56 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: Mp, Rp, a, OrbitalPeriod, RotationPeriod, Ms, Rs, Ts, rho_amb, Omega_amb, T_amb, ecc, soft_frac, P0
57 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: Vp, Vs, Xp, Xs
58 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: M, r, P, T, rho
59 | INTEGER :: i, nEntries
60 |
61 |
62 | NAMELIST/ProblemData/ Mp, Rp, a, RotationPeriod, Ms, Rs, Ts, rho_amb, T_amb, Omega_amb, lFixed, ecc, lPlanet, soft_frac, P0
66 |
67 | !Rescale all parameters to computational units
68 | Mp=Mp*MJupiter/mScale
69 | Rp=Rp*RJupiter/lScale
70 | Ms=Ms*MSolar/mScale
71 | Rs=Rs*RSolar/lScale
72 | ! OrbitalPeriod=OrbitalPeriod*day/TimeScale
73 | RotationPeriod=RotationPeriod*day/TimeScale
74 | a=a*AU/lScale
75 | rho_amb=rho_amb/rScale
76 | T_amb=T_amb/TempScale
77 | Omega_amb=Omega_amb*TimeScale/day
78 | P0=P0/pscale
79 |
80 | ! Calculate Star and planet's positions based on orbital parameters.
81 | ! Rotation about z axis
82 | ! Assume start from planet and star along x axis at perihelion
83 | ! see http://astrobear.pas.rochester.edu/trac/astrobear/blog/johannjc09232013 for the derivation
84 | Vp=sqrt(ScaleGrav*(Mp+Ms)*(1d0-ecc**2)/a)/(1d0+Mp/Ms)
85 | Vs=sqrt(ScaleGrav*(Mp+Ms)*(1d0-ecc**2)/a)/(1d0+Ms/Mp)
86 | Xp=a*Ms/(Mp+Ms)
87 | Xs=a*Mp/(Mp+Ms)
88 |
89 |
90 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) THEN
91 | WRITE(*,'(4A25)') 'parameter', 'value in cu', 'physical value', 'unit'
92 | WRITE(*,'(100A1)') (/('-',i=1,100)/)
93 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Orbit Period = ", 2*Pi*sqrt(a**3/ScaleGrav/(Ms+Mp)), 2*Pi*sqrt(a**3/ScaleGrav/(Ms+Mp)) * TimeScale/day, " days"
94 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Orbital Omega = ",sqrt(ScaleGrav*(Ms+Mp)/a**3), sqrt(ScaleGrav*(Ms+Mp)/a**3)/TimeScale*day, " radians/day"
95 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Planet mass = ", Mp, Mp*mScale/MJupiter, " Jupiter masses"
96 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Planet radius = ", Rp, Rp*lScale/RJupiter, " Jupiter radii"
97 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Solar mass = ", Ms, Ms*mScale/MSolar, " Solar masses"
98 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Solar radius = ", Rs, Rs*lScale/RSolar, " Solar radii"
99 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Rotation Period = ", RotationPeriod, RotationPeriod*TimeScale/day, " days"
100 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Ambient density = ", rho_amb, rho_amb*rScale, " g/cc"
101 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Ambient Temperature = ", T_amb, T_amb*TempScale, " K"
102 | WRITE(*,'(A25,E25.15,F25.15,A25)') "Semi Major Axis = ", a, a*lScale/AU, " AU"
103 | WRITE(*,'(100A1)') (/('-',i=1,100)/)
104 | WRITE(*,'(A25,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,A25,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1)') "Planet located at ", "(", Xp,",",0d0,",",0d0,")", "with velocity ", "(", 0d0,",",Vp,",",0d0,")"
105 | WRITE(*,'(A25,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,A25,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1,F5.2,A1)') "Star located at ", "(", -Xs,",",0d0,",",0d0,")", "with velocity ", "(", 0d0,",",-Vs,",",0d0,")"
106 |
107 |
108 | END IF
109 |
110 |
111 | ! Create Particle for star
112 | IF (.NOT. lRestart) THEN
113 | CALL CreateParticle(StellarParticle)
114 | StellarParticle%q(1)=Ms
115 | StellarParticle%xloc=(/-Xs,0d0,0d0/)
116 | StellarParticle%lFixed=lFixed
117 | StellarParticle%buffer=-1
118 | IF (.NOT. lFixed) StellarParticle%q(imom(1:3))=(/0d0,-Vs,0d0/) - Cross3D((/0d0,0d0,OmegaRot/), StellarParticle%xloc) !Adjust local velocity for rotation.
119 |
120 | CALL UpdateParticle(StellarParticle) !creates point gravity object
121 | StellarParticle%PointGravityObj%soft_function = SPLINESOFT
122 | StellarParticle%PointGravityObj%soft_length = soft_frac*(Xp+Xs)
123 | CALL AddSinkParticle(StellarParticle)
124 | ELSE
125 | StellarParticle=>SinkParticles%self
126 | END IF
127 |
128 | CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient)
129 | Ambient%density=rho_amb
130 | Ambient%pressure=rho_amb*T_amb
131 | ! Ambient%PointGravity=>StellarParticle%PointGravityObj !this will automatically create hydrostatic ambient
132 | Ambient%Omega=(/0d0,0d0,Omega_amb-OmegaRot/) !Shift ambient omega by frame rotation
133 | Ambient%PersistInBoundaries=.true.
134 | CALL UpdateAmbient(Ambient)
135 |
136 |
137 | IF (lPlanet) THEN
138 | CALL CreateClump(Clump)
139 | Clump%position=(/Xp,0d0,0d0/)
140 | Clump%omega=2d0*Pi/RotationPeriod-OmegaRot !Adjust planet rotation by frame rotation
141 | IF (.NOT. lFixed) Clump%velocity=(/0d0,Vp,0d0/) - Cross3D((/0d0,0d0,OmegaRot/), Clump%position) !Adjust local velocity for rotation.
142 |
143 | OPEN (UNIT=PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, FILE='planet_profile.dat', STATUS="OLD")
144 | READ (PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, *) nEntries
145 | READ (PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, *) !Skip the header column
146 | CALL CreateProfile(Clump%Profile, nEntries, (/Mass_Field, P_Field/), RADIAL) !Mass field - is gas density
147 | DO i=1,nEntries
148 | READ(PROBLEM_DATA_HANDLE, *) M, r, P, T, rho
149 | Clump%Profile%data(i,:)=(/ r/lScale, rho/rScale, P/pScale /)
150 | END DO
151 | ! CALL Profile_SelfGravityHSE(Clump%Profile, P0) !Use internal pressure from profile data file to recalculate pressure profile in HSE
152 | CALL UpdateProfile(Clump%Profile)
153 | ! write(*,'(3E25.15)') transpose(clump%profile%data)
154 | Clump%radius=Clump%Profile%data(nEntries,1)
155 |
156 | Clump%thickness=0d0
157 | Clump%subsample=1
158 | CALL UpdateClump(Clump)
159 |
160 |
161 | CALL ClearAllRefinements()
162 | CALL CreateRefinement(Refinement)
163 | Refinement%Type=REFINE_INSIDE
164 | CALL CreateShape(Refinement%Shape,SPHERE,1.1*(/Rp,Rp,Rp/))
165 | Refinement%Shape%position=Clump%position
166 | CALL UpdateShape(Refinement%Shape)
167 | CALL UpdateRefinement(Refinement)
168 |
169 |
170 | CALL CreateRefinement(Refinement)
171 | Refinement%Type=DEREFINE_INSIDE
172 | CALL CreateShape(Refinement%Shape,SPHERE,.6*(/Rp,Rp,Rp/))
173 | Refinement%Shape%position=Clump%position
174 | CALL UpdateShape(Refinement%Shape)
175 | CALL UpdateRefinement(Refinement)
176 |
177 |
178 | END IF
179 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
180 |
181 | SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
182 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
183 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
184 |
185 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
186 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
187 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
188 |
189 | SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
190 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
191 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
192 |
193 | SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
194 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
195 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
196 |
197 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
198 | INTEGER :: n
199 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
200 |