1 | &ProblemData
2 | Mp = 1.144 ! Planet Mass (Jupiter Masses)
3 | Rp = 1.138 ! Planet Radius (Jupiter Radii)
4 | a = .0309 ! SemiMajor Axis (AU)
5 | ecc = 0.0 ! eccentricity
6 | RotationPeriod = 2.202297873820735 ! Planet Rotation Period (days)
7 | Ms = 0.81 ! Star Mass (Solar Masses)
8 | Rs = 0.76 ! Star radius (Solar Radii)
9 | Ts = 5040 ! Star Temperature (Kelvin)
10 | rho_amb = 5.6849055e-9 ! Ambient density (g/cm^3)
11 | T_amb = 108400.7681 ! Ambient Temperature (Kelvin)
12 | Omega_amb = 2.85301338291671 ! Ambient rotation rate (radians/day)
13 | lFixed = .false. ! Fix position of clump and star
14 | lPlanet = .true.
15 | soft_frac = .5
16 | P0 = 8d13
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