1 | clear
2 |
3 | syms r
4 |
5 | rCrit = 3.587091;
6 | rZero = 1.386534;
7 | rOb = 1.279937;
8 | gamma = 1.66666667;
9 | dx = 0.03125;
10 |
11 | %Read in pressure and density information
12 | %%%%%%
13 | density_file = fopen('density_equilibrium.vtk');
14 | text = textscan(density_file,'%s');
15 | text = text{1};
16 |
17 | index = find(strcmp(text,'POINTS')) + 1;
18 | npoints = str2double(text{index});
19 | index = find(strcmp(text,'double')) + 1;
20 |
21 | for point = 1:npoints
22 | y(point) = str2double(text{index});
23 | density(point) = str2double(text{index+1});
24 | index = index + 3;
25 | end
26 |
27 | pressure_file = fopen('pressure_equilibrium.vtk');
28 | text = textscan(pressure_file,'%s');
29 | text = text{1};
30 |
31 | index = find(strcmp(text,'POINTS')) + 1;
32 | npoints = str2double(text{index});
33 | index = find(strcmp(text,'double')) + 1;
34 |
35 | for point = 1:npoints
36 | pressure(point) = str2double(text{index+1});
37 | index = index + 3;
38 | end
39 | %%%%%%%
40 |
41 | for point = 1:npoints
42 | r = y(point);
43 | analytic_density(point) = real((rCrit*(1./r - 1./rZero))^(1./(gamma-1.)));
44 | analytic_pressure(point) = real((rCrit*(1./r - 1./rZero))^(gamma/(gamma-1.)));
45 | end
46 |
47 | % Plot density and pressure on separate graphs (can insert more plots here, change to log, etc.)
48 | plot(y,density,'k','LineWidth',2)
49 | hold on;
50 | plot(y,analytic_density,'--')
51 | xlabel('y (CU)')
52 | ylabel('Density (CU)')
53 |
54 | figure
55 |
56 | semilogy(y,pressure,'k','LineWidth',2)
57 | hold on;
58 | semilogy(y,analytic_pressure,'--')
59 | xlabel('y (CU)')
60 | ylabel('Pressure (CU)') |